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Dr. Anuradha Sovani 

Psychologist and Psychotherapist. Former Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, and Former Dean, Faculty of Humanities, SNDT Women’s University, Dr. Sovani has been a Member of the Academic Council, Management Council and Senate of the University. Has formerly headed Department of Applied Psychology, University of Mumbai. She is Trustee and Consultant, Institute for Psychological Health, Thane, Maharashtra, and National Core Committee member and Ethics Committee Chairperson for Association of Adolescent and Child Care India. She is designated Partner, NoahClique : an innovative online aggregator platform consulting with client organizations.

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., University of Mumbai. Chancellor’s Gold Medallist. Recipient of various scholarships and awards, including the UGC Research Fellowship, the National Talent Search Scholarship, the Mankar Prize of the University of Mumbai, Best research paper award of the Indian Psychological Association, as well as Disabilities and Impairments and best book award for Children’s literature awarded by Maharashtra State. Has successfully guided fourteen Doctoral students, with five nearing completion. Has authored eleven Marathi books in the areas of Child Mental Health, Quality of Life, Couple relationships and couple counseling, and Personality Disorders. Her online Kindle publications are popular, and latest one, Chuklele Trairaashik is a Marathi book on Personality Accentuations. “Diary of a Novice Counselor” is also widely read. She has published over 70 research papers in national and international journals, and book chapters in National and International publications. Her SAGE publication on Abnormal Psychology from a Neuroscience perspective encompasses recent Indian research and is a widely used text.

Dr. Sovani is an effective teacher and trainer, a prolific writer, and a thought leader in the field of community mental health and well being. She works in multiple Indian languages using the medium of Community radio, webinars, as well as newspaper columns and articles. She has helped build a gamified assessment tool, Nautics, and an audio visual stigma reduction program, Prakashdoot. She has worked in the area of addiction prevention, particularly nonsubstance, behavioral addictions of children and youth. She has collaborated on several research studies with Indian as well as international researchers from Canada, United States, and the United Kingdom and has presented her work in Vancouver, The Netherlands and Belgium. Her interest areas include community awareness about mental illness and health, mental health mentoring, mental health of children and women, schizophrenia and rehabilitation.

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